THiZ iZ a YOW story

As a game developer we can feel ourselves if we are shipping in a big ocean. SOMETIMES we just discover a new territory.
So it looks like we are enough lucky that we found our island.

Lets start at the beginning:

Our Tribal Chief have got an idea, that we should make a game with catapult and fully destroyable objects…
As a veteran we know that is not an easy task. Performance, performance, how can we setup the objects, how should be it look realistic but fun too, etc…
And BOOM: Rayfire physics was our savior.

Of course we have never thought that how difficult the way to explore and guess how works the system & features of Rayfire.
Sometimes the nights turned InTo days. We woke up with fragments and dust:)

And we just increased the level of challenge, we started to work on the REAL-time multiplayer mode. IN THIS CASE the most important things was that the players have to see the same at all clients: same explosions, demolishions, same behavior of the projectiles, etc.
This is a really nightmare during multiplayer developing. BUT we enjoyed to jump into the deep.

At this point of the developing process there are a lot of ideas rushed us. And these. generated new questions 🙂

  • What will be our way?
  • Is this can be a new Angry Birds??? Who knows:)?

The selection between the ideas is not an easy task.

  • But OKAY what will be the core gameplay?
  • Is a story required??
  • What kind of theme would be the best for us?

Hopefully your dear reader didnt loose the line of the story:)

A few lines up we talked about that we made realtime multiplayer. The funny part that when we finished and tested it, we realised that we can do it a better way => TURN BASED multiplayer.
That means we need to forget the real time part and think again the whole multiplayer experience. We would like to reach that players have enough time to do their tactics. And for a little extra we plan to enable that users can join as spectators.
It was really hard to release the real time feeling but the show must go on!

Let’s see another exciting topic: <–MISSIONS–>.

Every game designer has got a real hard task to determine what is the main goal in the long term gameplay, what will be enough challenging for the players. We don’t wanna jump into the deep, because that is a another story:).
So we would like to make a challenging gameplay which gradually gets heavier, this is nothing special. The unique part is that players have always different ways to complete the main goal! They only need to keep their eyes on time (TIK-TAKK).
That means serious work for us in map designing & building and balancing!
We are talking about REAL time destroyable buildings, sometimes when testing the gameplay we are amazed how cool is shooting with the capatult and objects were demolished by several ways. AND in that moment you will taste the happiness of creating something fun and inspiring us to make it better.

This can be a LONG Journey…

Text by Mark S.