Thank you!

You registered successfully!

Take a minute and celebrate.
Soon you will get access to Ye Olde World (V1.0).

Let's explain what happens next.

We prepare the Alpha

Currently we are preparing the Version 1 release of the catapult game for you. You will be notified soon about your access.

Send out invitations

We will be sending out invitations with links to download and some more informations.

Feedback rounds

Also we will be sending out some links to short questionnaires after some time where you can enter your experiences and also where we should work more on.

Keep in mind

We are constantly working on 'Ye Olde World' - so there can be some quirks using and playing it

Who we are

‘Ye Olde World’ – the all new catapult game – is powered by devpoint – the agile company. You can be sure – we will provide a solution for your software projects.

  • From mobile apps to web applications – from replacement up to innovation.
  • From productivity solutions up to 3D games.

You will experience 30+ years of experience and a powerful development center in Hungary.

Games History

Extensive experience out of 90
games published already.
Browserbased games for
big player companies.

Our base

Founded: 2008
Origin: Zug
Projects: > 240


Software development / engineering
DevOps, SysOps
Mobile Apps


Postal address:
devpoint GmbH
Baarerstrasse 78
6300 Zug

+41 41 727 80 00

Contact devpoint

Contact us and we will reply as soon as possible – mostly we take 2 working days. Or less. In the message you can also send us your thoughts or ideas or input what we can do for you.

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